MALAYAN PIT VIPER / Calloselasma rhodostoma...
In Thai: งูพิษมายาลัน (Ngū phis̄ʹ māyā lạn)
The Landmine of Snakes, with highly cytotoxic (cell destroying) venom, this Snake is very well camouflage and is a perfect ambush predator and they can wait long time for the perfect strike. This Snake is active by night and you often found them sitting in the middle of, or alongside the walking trails, wait for some prey to passing. Unlike most other Snakes they may not move out of the way at all if you are walking right toward them. This is the reason that they are called " Landmine " Thousends of people suffer bites from these Snakes across Southeast Asia every year. Bites are very painful and couse local swelling and sometimes tissue necrosis, but do not usually end fatally, IF early and correct treatment is provided. Malayan Pit Viper are oviparous and the eggs are guarded by the female after deposition. They feed on mice, frogs, lizards and other small animals.